Grasshopper vs. Processing

This post will deal with characteristics of algorithmic software and modelling tools. Namely, assigned for this project, we have a choice of two software: Grasshopper and Processing.
I will investigate on each, their pros and cons, and then decide which one would be more suitable for my project. 

What are they?

Experimenting with Processing
After I have downloaded the software, I decided to try what it can do. To start, I took Michael Pinn's code Circle Blanket and inserted it to see what happens. The script generated shape that moves in circular manner. I realized that the script is actually a programming language that responds to certain commands.
Reference: Pinn, M. Circle Blanket. OpenProcessing. Web. October 9, 2018.
Retrieved from:

For the purposes of this project, I decided to use Grasshopper because it is more suitable for the project task. Processing is much inviting and something new to me, but for this project it might have some limitations. 
