Genetic Architecture

This post is a summary of ideas presented by Karl Chu on Genetic Architecture.
In his speech, Karl Chu refers to architecture as to genesis of possible worlds. It is not only humans who are able to produce architecture, but also small organisms such as ants or other living things. Is it possible that they all have their own idea of architecture? Do they have their own standards? We tend to look at architecture from our, human point of perspective.
So, architecture has a lot to do with lifestyle – all organisms have their own way of living and functioning and therefore have their own habits and needs when it comes to accommodation.
Karl Chu also shared three paradigm shifts:
1.      Multiverse – means that each person is a multiple being and not one unified singular identity. Our architecture is directly connected to our perception of the universe.
2.      Post-human era – interestingly, architecture is an expression of the systems we have imposed: economic, cultural and other forms of systems. New technology has a wider impact on architecture and for that reason it cannot remain in the same form it used to be. He also refers to artificial intelligence and that humans will reach the era where they would be modified… So there is a possibility that no one be a slave except that humans will not be humans anymore. They will be half machines. He believes that this will happen due to the nature of the universe to be prone to metamorphosis (transformation) and that nothing inside the universe is stable.
3.      Global Brain – a consequence of architecture of information and computing systems. It is in fact a metaphor for computing system.
As a conclusion, if we would have an ability to merge biological with artificial, then we talk about genetic architecture, as Hansen defined, as to structure of mapping from a genotype (set of genetic information) into a phenotype (the real collected result). And that is the evolutionary point that will transform the humans and also their living environment due to change in lifestyle.

Chu, K. (2010). TEDx Talks. Retrieved from:

Hansen, T.F. (2006). The Evolution of Genetic Architecture. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics  Volume 37, pp 123-157
