Human Creativity and Nature Creativity
This area focuses on patterns
designed by humans. When it comes to human
creativity, the main idea now is to learn how to design patterns. “Pattern”
refers to a model, or a stencil that can be replicated and continued to create
something bigger that follows logical sequences.
As new technologies are
significantly changing, human creativity is achieving higher potential for
accelerating and expanding the new kinds of spatial patterns. More importantly,
human creativity is, thanks to new technologies, able to create more organic patterns
and design.
We often see that nature creativity is flawless, while
human creativity is not. Our buildings and houses are rarely works of art and are
more of a mechanized system that have tendency of destroying the environment.
Consider a spider web – carefully programmed and composed with again some kind
of a pattern that can be continued into, not necessarily infinity, but
significantly into a larger space. It serves function - spider’s home, food
catching, and work of art that does not damage the integrity of the environment.
Or, consider an enlarged view of a sunflower – noticing how sequenced the
central part is because it follows the golden ratio and therefore is able to
create a larger picture of itself while consisted of smaller and smaller parts
of the same base (fractal).
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